
I write a little bit about everything I find worth exploring. From short stories to travel guides and food reviews, I guarantee you’ll find something worth while here for you too.


“I’ll tell you all about it when we get there”.

“The real treasure is the food we’ve eatin’ along the way”.

“You know, a story is actually worth a thousand (or so) words".

"Coming Soon”

About Me

Hi everyone,

I’m a medical student and wannabe (ahem* budding) writer. Inspired by the books I’ve read and stories I’ve seen, one delirious flight from Reykjavík to Cleveland led me to start writing a book. But, time became a rarity and I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to use this medium to pour my thoughts into written form, express a little bit of creativity, and share that with you all.

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Got an idea? Confused about something? Have a suggestion or something you want to tell me? Just let me know.